
fylr uses OAuth2 for authentication.

User authentication in a fylr instance is only possible by receiving an Access Token using one of the implemented OAuth2 flows.

Using the Access Token

After a successful login of a user, the process will return a response that contains an access_token. This must be used to authenticate all following requests to the fylr API.

Header based authentication

Include the following HTTP header in the request:

"authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

URL based authentication

Include the following parameter in the request URL:


Configuring Client ID and Secret

The following descriptions of the different OAuth2 flows use my-client and my-secret as placeholders for configured Client IDs and Client Secrets. Replace these with the required OAuth2 client information of the fylr instance.

These need to be configured in the fylr instance.

Configure the pair(s) of Client ID and Secret in the config file fylr.yml:

            secret: 'my-secret'
              - http://my-callback-server/oauth2/callback

The default clients in fylr are public and thus do neither need nor have a secret.

Alternatively, add the Client ID and Secret pair(s) in the Base Configuration.

OAuth2 Flows

All of the following flows are implemented in fylr. They offer different levels of security. Each flow requires a different amount of complexity to implement it in your client application. Depending on your needs choose your preferred implementation. We recommend using the Authorization Code Grant or the Password Grant flow.

Authorization Code Grant

This flow requires a Client ID and Secret, as well as a fylr login and password for each user. This flow offers a high level of security.

Step 1: client calls fylr

Call the OAuth2 Authentication API of fylr

GET fylr-instance/api/oauth2/auth

Query Parameters

This redirects to the fylr login page. The user enters login and password directly into fylr.

Step 2: callback from fylr to the local HTTP server

This flow requires to implement a local HTTP server that can handle the callback from fylr. The URL for the callback must also be included in the fylr.yml (redirectURIs) and must be tied to your Client configuration.

fylr calls


This callback must handle a GET request. fylr includes these URL parameters:

Call the OAuth2 Authentication API of fylr

GET my-callback-server/oauth2/callback

Query Parameters

Step 3: client validates Authorization Code

Call the OAuth2 Token API of fylr

POST fylr-instance/api/oauth2/token

Query Parameters

If the Client ID, Secret and the Authorization Code are correct, fylr will return a JSON object in the response with the following values:

Authorization Code Grant with PKCE Code Challenge

This is an extension of the Authorization Code Grant flow. To enhance the security a Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is included in the requests. All other parameters and keys are the same as in the Authorization Code Grant flow.

The client needs to generate a Code Verifier and a Code Challenge according to the RFC7636 standard.

The Code Verifier is a random string consisting of the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, ., _, ~ with a length between 43 and 128 characters.

The Code Challenge is the SHA256 hash of the Code Verifier encoded in Base64-URL format.

For Step 1, these parameters are added to the URL:

For Step 3, this parameter is added to the URL:

In this step, fylr (the authorization server) checks if the Code Verifer matches the Code Challenge from Step 1.

Password Grant

This flow can be used to directly log into fylr with the user login and password

Step 1: log into fylr with user login and password

Call the OAuth2 Token API of fylr

POST fylr-instance/api/oauth2/token

Query Parameters

If the Client ID, Secret and user login and password are correct, fylr will return a JSON object in the response with the following values:

Implicit Grant

This flow works without a Client Secret. It is not possible to refresh or revoke the Access Token.

Using this flow is not recommended!

Step 1: request a token from fylr

Call the OAuth2 Authentication API of fylr

GET fylr-instance/api/oauth2/auth

Query Parameters

Step 2: callback from fylr to the local callback

This flow requires to implement a local HTTP server that can handle the callback from fylr. The URL for the callback must also be included in the fylr.yml (redirectURIs) and must be tied to your Client configuration.

fylr calls


This callback must handle a GET request. fylr includes these URL parameters:

Call the OAuth2 Authentication API of fylr

GET my-callback-server/oauth2/callback

Query Parameters

The loc_hash parameter is itself a list of URL parameters that need to be unquoted and split into key value pairs:

Client Credential Grant

This flow works without a fylr user login and password. The Access Token can not be used to identify a specific user. All fylr api endpoints which require a authenticated user can not be used.

Using this flow is not recommended!

Step 1: request a token from fylr

Call the OAuth2 Token API of fylr

GET fylr-instance/api/oauth2/token

Query Parameters

If the Client ID and Secret are correct, fylr will return a JSON object in the response with the following values:

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