PDF Creator
How to set up pdf creation in fylr, including plugin installation.
The "PDF Creator" plugin is licensed as a separate module. Please check your license agreement in case of doubt.
Install the plugin
Got to Plugin-Manager and if there is no Server PDF Plugin yet, press the + button at the bottom:
Choose type url and enter the URL of the latest release zip file, e.g.: https://github.com/programmfabrik/fylr-plugin-server-pdf/releases/download/v1.0.0/fylr-plugin-server-pdf.zip (you may check for newer plugin releases here )
Make sure the plugin is marked as enabled, as in the screenshot above
Create at least one PDF template
Go to Rights Management (the 3 people icon, NOT the gear cogs icon) - Object Types - choose one object type - go to the tab named PDF Creator (see screenshot)
Click the + button.
Name your template.
Do not forget to click Save at the end.
Create a PDF
Go to Lists - Object Types - choose a type with template - Select one Object - right click - Print
In Custom Layouts - open the dropdown - choose one (pdf template 1 in below example) - click Print
Then a PDF is created and downloaded.
If the PDF is too empty, you can edit the template and add content: Rights Management (the 3 people icon) - Object Types - choose the object type - go to the tab named PDF Creator.
Last updated