Release v6.13.0 (2024-09-25)

Published 2024-09-25 14:10:48Z



  • Re-Index: This release brings a forced re-index. Plan enough time for this update, as the re-index is blocking. Only /inspect/ is available while the re-index is running.

  • UNIQUE index for user login and email. In the unlikely case that you have duplicate entries, fylr will de-duplicate such existing email or login entries in table user, to make sure that fylr does start after the update. A de-duplicated value will have the duplicate row number added. E.g. if your database contains two users, one with login mr.tom and the other with Mr.tom, the latter will be renamed to Mr.tom-dup-2. In case of a duplicate email like and, the email will be renamed to


  • /api/search: Support numbers in Fulltext and Terms. Numbers can now be included in the Fulltext index and are also listed in our Terms. This requires a re-index. [8638f597]

  • /api/db: Add group_mode match_merge. match_merge requires a :match and :merge record to be sent. The matching record will be searched for in existing nested and the merge record's data will overwrite the data in the existing record. [d282f839]


  • Indexer: Improved error handling if index errors occur. This allows us to catch more errors from the indexer, especially if memory problems occur. Before we would not log these errors anywhere. [ea3c7ca5]

  • System right: Add frontend_features.upload_url. This is used by our frontend to allow uploads by URL. Instances relying on this feature, need to enable the right for their users. [5c087d4d]

  • /inspect/migration: More options available for backup & restore. [e8f2f9be] [87431fe4]

  • Login page: Add customizable placeholder for input field. [c51621ef]

  • fylr convert: Don't use Go TIFF conversion if IM has exhausted resources. In case the "magick convert" fails with "cache resources exhausted", we now do not try to use Go as a fallback when converting TIFF images. This avoids undesired memory consumption in cases where Magick limits are configured. [708a7b36]

  • Console log: With defaults settings, output server time zone. [8699bacf]

  • SAML: Support request signing: sha1, sha256, sha512. [bdd96477]

  • Language support: Use long year names for Finnish. [9f882048]

  • Standard Rendering: Use localization key to render B.C. and A.D. dates. Also, add bc to the locale object published via /api/user/session. [5420011a] [f87e50ec]

  • Webhook: This adds events WEBHOOK and WEBHOOK_ERROR for transition webhooks calls. [34a31954]

  • Export: Make _exported_at a fully supported export field. With this change, _exported_at is available in JSON, XML and CSV exports. It can also be ex- and included like the other fields. [9e19b0df]

  • Login: Make logins case-insensitive for email and login. [d123d327] [57ca2a6ab]

  • Error message: More localization for error messages with right names. [a9a7d153]

  • Group mode: Skip void updates. If an update does not change the existing object, do not save a new version of the object. [f44b08b4]

  • fylr backup & restore: Restore LDAP configuration without server connect, parse previous command line parameters for backup and restore to allow use of --continue with pre-filled inputs in /inspect/migration. Also, include file hashes in reference. [39cf486b] [3d0719f0] [9dd288d1]


  • /api/db: Fix reading back _parents from parents. This fixes reading back "_parents from plugins. Before the code would look for _callback_context in the parent objects which made no sense. Now the _parents are read back omitting the check. [d6b37983]

  • /inspect/objecttype: Support application/json for stats. [dabfb717]

  • /api/db, /api/search: Sort _tags by position. This feature was missing. [ef2acf81]

  • /api/oai, /api/objects: Namespace & xslt handling fixes. Clean metadata format names so that it matches the specification (only uri unreserved characters); avoid duplicate metadata format names. Add namespace and schema from xslt settings to schemaLocation attribute; smaller fixes for Identify (and other verbs) to satisfy an online oai-pmh validator. Also, support multiple records with XSLT for OAI/PMH. [4004ca119] [29107ef0]

  • /api/search: Do not use timezone in search to change searched ranges. When searching 2024 we did offset that into the given timezone of the search, essentially searching 2023-31-12 23:00 - 2024-31-12 23:00 which led to unexpected results, given the fact that dates like "2024" are stored as UTC ranges in the fylr database and index. [059f162b]

  • /inspect/plugins: Fixed displaying event details. [a4ad3c6d]

  • /api/search[type=user]: Fixed sort by user._generated_displayname. Requires re-index. [67e9caf75]

  • User rights management: This fixes some bugs in user rights management. Before this patch fylr did not acknowledge the owner rights for users. Also, the user READ, DELETE and group DELETE where not computed correctly. Requires re-index. [0f3726a7]

  • /api/search/parse: Support searching for custom data type provided fields which contain capital letters. [f45f6b10]

  • Parallel requests on Windows: Much improved parallel request behavior on Windows. This speeds up parallel searches by factor 10 in our tests. [88633e1d] [f71afd89 (errorgen)]

  • /api/search: Fix poly hierarchy aggregations with virtual root. [eefbdaf8]

  • /inspect/objects: Fix showing api format index for non root users. [65ca469c]

  • /api/export: Fixes for localized CSV export. If no translation exists for localised csv export fields, use the unlocalise column name instead, not the localization value default placeholder value. Also, support "-" as value (which will also use the api column name). [51b29a18]

  • /api/search: Fixed poly hierarchy aggregations which contain a virtual root entry. [eefbdaf8]



  • RPUT Rights: Now the new right frontend_features[upload_url] is checked in order to allow the user to use the URL upload button in the new modal editor.

  • Read-Only Object Store: A new functionality has been added to the object store allowing the definition of read-only object stores.

  • Custom Field Placeholders: Adds support for custom user placeholders on fields. This new placeholder override can be configured per mask on the hint menu. This is only available for inputs that support placeholders.

  • Hide First Empty Nested: A new option has been added when configuring nested tables that allows not including a first empty object. Previously, creating a nested table would display an empty object ready for editing. With this option activated, the nested table will not show any default element and will only display the "+" button to add a new element. This allows for more compact data models when having nested tables with many fields.

  • Skip New Modal Upload: Adds a new option on the new object modal to skip the configuration window the next time it opens.

  • Result Card Pin Button: Implements a new button for the result card in editors and details to pin or unpin the result card of the object (including asset browser). This allows the user to scroll the full detail view on smaller screens. Previously, on smaller screens, the asset browser took up a lot of space and made it impossible to navigate detail and editor views.

  • Shared Templates: Implements a new way to create editor templates. The shared templates use the group's frontend properties to save the templates, which means that any user with read permissions to the group can use these templates. This allows users to create shared editor templates with multiple users.

  • Collapsible App Header: The application header can now be collapsed, hiding it and leaving more space for the application itself. This is useful when using the app on small screens.


  • Collection Manager: Adjustments and improvements have been made to the structure of the collection manager.

  • Text View: Adjustments have been made to avoid unnecessary requests when rendering records in text mode that include reverse linked objects not visible via mask options.

  • Nested Fields: Improvements have been made in the design of nested fields.

  • Tags: Improvements have been made in the design of tags.

  • Custom Server Validation Errors: Improved support for custom validation errors to display errors even if the fields are not visible. Additionally, support has been added in the Group Editor to display server custom validation errors.

  • Calendar: Now date times use the frontend language for the calendar panel.

  • Leaflet Bundle: The Leaflet library has been included directly in the frontend bundle. This avoids the frontend having to make a request to obtain the library.

  • Deep Link: Now when a deep link that links to a record is opened, it will always be displayed in the main search.

  • Number Fields: Now numbers in data fields will use the first database language instead of the frontend language.

  • Date Times: Now the BC appendix for date outputs is retrieved from session data coming from Fylr.

  • Tag Tooltips: Improved the tooltips of tags throughout the application, making this functionality more consistent across the entire app.

  • Group Editor: Improved the group editor so that it does not execute modifications on objects where there will be no changes, meaning their version number will not be incremented. Additionally, upon completion, the group editor now shows the number of objects that have been modified or not.

  • Date Fields: Adds support for AD dates in various date formats, following the latest changes in the standard view from Fylr.

  • Migrations: Prevents frontend fatal errors if the server doesn't add the frontend_locale and database_locale in the session data. This can happen when opening EZ5 migrated instances. Also, fixes a problem with custom metadata fields in the mappings migrated from other instances.

  • Directory Upload: Excludes .DS_Store files when uploading directories in the new object modal.

  • Hierarchy Results: Improved the hierarchy view in the result views. Now, if an object is added by the frontend but is not included in the search results, these objects will be colored differently (light gray), making it easier to identify the search results. These objects are added to correctly display the hierarchy of a result.

  • CSS Adjustments: General adjustments and improvements have been made to the application's CSS.

  • Connection Lost Alert: Improved the handling of lost connections with the server. The changes introduced should make this message appear less frequently than in previous versions.


  • Hierarchy Detail View: Fixed an issue where the hierarchy was not displayed correctly in the hierarchy detail view.

  • Tag Filters: Fixed a bug that occurred when using tags without text in the filter panel.

  • Location Selector: Enhanced the location manager selector on base config to prevent the frontend from crashing if we try to upload an old backup base config file.

  • Text View Result: Fixed an issue where configuring the text view to not show the standard of the records also hid those of linked objects, erroneously creating a list of empty objects.

  • User Manager: Fixed an error caused by the email scheduler in the user manager.

  • Print Manager: Avoid requesting assets from the server when rendering EAS fields for print. Before this patch, the browser detected the new image element created for the print body and requested the image in advance. This request is not necessary.

  • EAS Variants: Fixed a critical issue that prevented uploading assets using the EAS fields as an upload form, making it impossible to upload new variants to a GAS field.

  • Saved Searches: Fixed an error when trying to reuse tag facets from saved searches.

  • Date Filters: Removed AND support on date fields that are not inside a nested table.

  • Date Expert Search Fields: Added placeholders for date fields in the changelog expert search options. Before this patch, the placeholders were not localized.

  • Search Suggestions: Fixed the label of the exact token in the search suggestions.

  • Collections Update: Fixed an issue where open collections were not updated correctly when an object was added or removed.

  • Event Poller on Developer Panel: Fixed the selector to choose the type of poller desired in the application within the developer menu.

  • User Manager: Fixed the behavior when lacking permission to read an object after saving it. Now the manager will update the list of users and clear the detail view.

  • Hidden Tags: Fixed the behavior of tags configured as hidden and default at the same time. Now these tags will be added automatically even if they are hidden. Before this patch, these tags were ignored.

  • Filter Panel: Fixed multiple errors in the filter panel related to the use of the new AND/OR system.

  • Linked Object: Fixed an issue that prevented saving a record when an invisible linked object was marked as required.

  • User Manager Save Button: The save button will not be enabled if both login and email fields are empty.

Last updated