Saved Searches (& Lists)

Search requests that have been saved by users and lists that were enabled for the quick access by administrators can be accessed below the collections in the quick access.

Saved Searches

Unlike the collections, saved searches save the search request instead of specific records. Meaning, when opening a saved search a new search will be started and the search result can be different to the search result when saving the search.

Users with the system right "Fixed saved searches for editors" can access 3 pre-defined saved searches.


Created or updated today

Shows all records that were either created today or updated today by the logged in user.

Created today

Shows all records that were created today by the logged in user.

Updated today

Shows all records that were updated today by the logged in user.

Users with the system right "Saved Searches" can access their saved searches here. To save a search, use the three dot menu in the search, click "Save search..." and set a name for the search so you can identify the saved search later (duplicate names are allowed but not recommended). The settings from the "Sources" menu and the search terms in the search bar will be saved.

By clicking on the saved search in the quick access, a search with the same request will be started (the settings for the "Sources" and the search terms in the search bar will be restored). You can then modify the search by removing or adding search terms or filter the result.

Use the right click on a saved search to access the following options:




Rename the saved search.


Delete the saved search.


Lists, like keywords, persons or locations, can be added to the quick access by administrators ("Object Types" > "Show in Quick Access"). They will be shown as an alphabetical list / hierarchy with a count for each record. Clicking on a keyword for example will start a search and show all records of the main search that are linked to this keyword (subordinate records will be included). Long lists will automatically be grouped in chunks of 50 records, showing the first and the last record of the chunk as a superordinate group.

Lists will only be shown to users who have at least read permissions for the list.

Use the right click on a record in the list to access the following options:


Quick View

Opens a popover with details of the record.

Use in Search

Beams the record in the search bar and starts a search for all records that link to this one. Same as clicking on the record in the quick access.

Show in Detail

Opens the details of the record in the detail view on the right.

Last updated