Write Import Manifest

Create a file named manifest.json with the following content:

  "source": "Example Migration",
  "batch_size": 100,
  "payload_base_uri": "",
  "eas_type": "url",
  "eas_skip_errors": true,
  "eas_replace_url": "",
  "skip_head_request": true,
  "mapping": null,
  "payloads": []

This manifest is used to preload the migration data in the JSON Importer. All information in the manifest can also be changed in the frontend, so a manifest file is not needed, but very helpful.

  • source: A name to identify the migration, can be freely chosen

  • batch_size: Maximum number of objects from a payload that are posted in a single request

    • If the payloads contain more objects, the payloads are uploaded in parts

    • This value is necessary to control the request size

    • For complex objects which take a long time to be saved, it is possible that the request might time out. In this case, the batch size needs to be decreased

    • The internal limit of the server is 1000

  • payload_base_uri:

    • If the payloads are not stored in the same folder as the manifest (or on another server), this is needed to build absolute paths from the payload file names

    • This value needs to be the relative path to the payload folder

  • eas_type: Preselect the asset upload type in the import dialog:

    • direct: The assets are uploaded using the browser (put)

    • url: Remote put: assets are loaded by the EAS using the URL (rput)

    • ignore: No assets are imported

  • skip_head_request: Skip HEAD request in rput in fylr

  • eas_skip_errors: Ignore file errors

    • If there are any errors during file upload, the error will not stop the import process

    • the error will only be logged

  • eas_replace_url: optional server url for each file

    • If you use http://localhost in the urls in the payloads, this will be replaced by this server url

  • mapping: optional mapping id

    • If this is an import mapping, during the import this mapping is applied for any matching objecttypes that have file fields

  • payloads: List of the filenames of all payloads, in the order they are posted

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