
Messages have different purposes, such as showing a custom message on the login screen, adding a custom button with text to the navigation or showing a text before downloading files.

Working With Messages

Messages are a great way to add individual text to the application. Typical use cases are:

  • add terms & conditions to the login process

  • add a help to the header and/or the main navigation

  • add individual text to the login and/or registration page

  • show a copyright text when users are downloading files

  • show a welcome/overview text after login instead of the records

Messages are always assigned to groups which enables you to define different messages for different groups.


To create a new message, click on the plus button in the lower left and enter the details (see below). By clicking on a message, you can see and edit the details. To remove a message, click on the desired message and on the minus button in the lower left.

All messages are sorted alphabetically and you can use the filter to search for the message title and the message itself.



Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk "*".



Defines where/how the message is shown. For a description of the available types, please see below.

Active From

Select a date from which the message should be enabled automatically. Before that date, the message is not shown. If no date is set, the message is enabled immediately.

Active Until

Select a date when the message should be disabled automatically. After that date, the message is not shown anymore. If no date is set, the message is enabled indefinitely.


Optionally add an icon to your message which will be shown either in the header before the title or on the button before the title. Supported icons: FontAwesome.


Title of the message. Will be shown in the list of messages, the header of the message and on the button.


Actual message. Supports markdown.


Reference of the message. Has to be unique.


Select one or more pools if the message should only be used for specific pools.

Tag Filter

Define a tag filter if the message should only be shown for records with specific tags.

Client ID Filter

Only relevant, when you're working with multiple clients/frontends and want the message only to appear for specific clients/frontends.


Link to the message. Will be shown after saving.


Date and time the message was created.

Last Updated

Date and time of the last update of the message.


This tab is only available for type "Message After Logging In" and "Message Before Download".

Confirmation Options


Confirm Every New Version

If this option is activated, the user must confirm the message again if the confirmation text/settings has been changed.

Confirmation Text

This text appears with a checkbox the user has to enable in order to proceed.

Hint in Footer

This text is shown in the footer in the popover for type "Message Before Download" as long as the message is not confirmed.


These choices are only available for the message type "Message Before Download". For example they can be used to force the user to state the intended use of the files before downloading.


Choice Group Header

This text is shown before the actual options. It supports Markdown.


Choose between "Checkboxes" (multiple answers allowed) and "Radio Buttons" (only one answer allowed).

Min. Enabled Options

Specify the minimum number of options the user can activate in order to proceed with the download.

Max. Enabled Options

Specify the maximum number of options the user can activate in order to proceed with the download.


For each option add a choice and enter a text that is shown with the checkbox or radio button. You can give then a reference or disable a choice if it should not be available in this constellation.

Choice Group Footer

This text is shown after the actual options. It supports Markdown.



Log Event

If enabled, an event of type "Asset download - Message confirmation [ASSET_DOWNLOAD_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE]" is created for this confirmation. It includes the choice, the reference, the user and the identifier.

Event Identifier

Add an identifier that is stored with the event.


It's necessary to select at least one group for the messages to work. Multiple groups can be selected. All local groups and system groups are available.


The message types define where/how the messages are shown:


Message After Logging In

This message is shown after a user logs in. Also available for anonymous users (message is shown directly when opening the application). Depending on the settings in the "Confirmation" tab, the message can simply be closed or have to be accepted to continue to the search. If not accepted, the user will be directed back to the login page.

Welcome Message in Search

This message will be shown in the search after a user logged in (or an anonymous user opened the application).

Permanent Message in Main Menu

This message creates a link under "Info" in the main menu which opens the message in a popover when clicked.

Permanent Message in Header

This message creates a button in the header (next to the user settings and export manager) which opens the message in a popover when clicked.

Permanent Message on the Login Page

This message creates a link on the login page which opens the message in a popover when clicked.

Permanent Message on Self-Registration Page

This message creates a link on the self-registration page which opens the message in a popover when clicked.

Message Before Download

This message is shown when a user downloads a file. Depending on the settings in the "Confirmation" tab, the message can simply be closed or have to be accepted to continue the download. If not accepted, the file will not be downloaded.

Maintenance Warning

This message is shown after a user logs in and it also appears as a permanent message in the header. It's supposed to inform the user that a maintenance will be happening soon where they are not able to use the application.

Maintenance Message

This message is shown after a user logs in informing them that they're not able to access the system as there is a maintenance currently happening. Only the root user will be able to access the system while this message is active. We recommend to set a date so this message will be activated and deactivated automatically.

Last updated