Setting Up An Upload Collection
This tutorial describes how to set up an upload collection so you can use the Hotfolder and / or File System connect.
In case you cannot access the described features, please talk to your administrator and make sure your FYLR installation is set up properly.
The Hotfolder and File System Connect are only available through collections. For a general description of collections, please read "Collections (& Presentations)" first.
Please follow the steps to create an upload collection:
in the quick access create a new collection by clicking on the plus button in the lower left and give the collection a name
right click on the collection
click on "Settings"
open tab "Upload Settings"
check "Enable Upload"
Then you have to choose the object type you want to create records with, the pool the files should be saved in, the mask you want to work with, the field for the files and a metadata mapping to extract metadata. For a detailed description of each option, please continue here.
With the mode, you decide wether only new records should be created for the uploaded files or if existing records should be updated with the uploaded files. For a detailed description of these options, please continue here.
Once you're done, click "Activate" to save the changes and then copy either the Hotfolder URL or File System Connect URL.
You then can close the dialogue and continue with importing the files.
Last updated