
The type double supports store and load for a floating point number with 64 bits (Go type float64). The range for that number is approximately -1.7976931348623157e+308 to 1.7976931348623157e+308. Go adheres to IEEE 754 for storing the values.


Double looks like this when send and received over the API:

    "double": 1234.5678

Numbers are guaranteed to keep their value, but the JSON parser may change 1e4 into 10000 upon load.


The type double is stored as type double in the indexer.


The sorting is independent of the requested search language.


The export of the value is not localized.

The XML Export looks like this:

<double type="double" column-api-id="2">1234.56789</double>

This shows the example export for column double and a value of 1234.56789.

CSV and JSON export the number as is.

Last updated