


Check if the field name is requested in eas_fields. If yes, proceed.


  1. Check for a rule in assets. A rule applies if any file in the array of files has an explicit rule.

  2. If a rule applies but no explicit rule is defined, the file is exported only if it is preferred.

  3. The explicit rule false, says to not export the file.

  4. The explicit rule true applies the default rule to the asset. The default rule is in eas_field for the matched field name.

  5. Any other rule must be a list of versions which versions of that file are exported.

  6. A rule in assets always exports actual file version data, not just the url as it is possible with eas_field.


The eas_field exports actual file data if files is set to true. The version is determined by the versions array.

If eas_field specifies data to be exported, the data array contains a list of versions for which no actual file version data is exported, but only the url to the files as well as other information.

element name

The element name for the exported file is the column name. It can be overwritten in fields.

Example output

<file type="files" column-api-id="204">
            <compiled>&lt;file 10&gt;</compiled>
                <version name="original">
                <version name="big">
                <version name="small">

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