performance tuning
Understanding the knobs
These are the configurable parameters, which affect performance in fylr.yml
4 parallel jobs instruct the indexer to add changed and new data to the index.
10 workers check whether further conversions can be started, for standard preview versions
18 workers check whether further processing can be started: Like reading metadata from new assets and everything else
2 simultaneous processing of video/office preview images are allowed. These are jobs done with ffmpeg, inkscape, soffice(LibreOffice) and pdf2pages. (Waitgroup "slow")
6 simultaneous processing of image previews are allowed These are jobs done with ImageMagick convert. (Waitgroup "medium")
10 simultaneous metadata readouts are allowed. (Processing of plugins is in this category, too). These are jobs done with e.g. iiif, dot, node, python3, xsltmetadata.
These example values are the defaults in fylr v6.12.
Other things you can change:
Run the execserver jobs (conversion, metadata-readout etc.) on a different hardware
Run the execserver jobs (conversion, metadata-readout etc.) on multiple hardware servers
optionally: decide which hardware does which kind of jobs
Run the indexer on a different hardware
Run the indexer on multiple hardware servers
Under which circumstance would you change what?
User experience in Frontend is slowed down by one type of asset processing
Reduce the number allowed jobs of that type. E. g. only allow one video conversion at a time:
User experience in Frontend is slowed down by asset processing in general
Reduce the number of allowed concurrent jobs
Run the execserver jobs (conversion, metadata-readout etc.) on a different hardware than the rest of fylr
Asset processing is too slow
Increase the number of allowed concurrent jobs.
Maybe you then have to increase the hardware resources, too:
Mor CPU cores
Run the execserver jobs (conversion, metadata-readout etc.) on multiple hardware servers
optionally: decide which hardware does which kind of jobs
Last updated