Insert payloads (fylr restore)

This page describes the process of inserting a local backup of JSON payloads to a target fylr instance

The fylr restore command performs POST requests to the API of the target fylr instance. It iterates over the list of payloads from the manifest.json file.

A basic restore command looks like this:

fylr restore \
  --server '<fylr url>/api/v1' \
  --login root
  --password '<cleartext>' \
  --manifest '<instance folder>/manifest.json' \
  --client-id web-client \
  --client-secret foo \
  --client-token-url '<fylr url>/api/oauth2/token' \
  --chunk 1000 \
  --timeout-min=1 \
  --file-api rput \
  --file-version original \
  --purge # --purge OR --continue
  • --server, --login and --password refer to the target server

  • for the --server parameter, include the HTTP Basic Auth: http://<login>:<password>@<fylr url>/api/v1

  • --chunk defines the batch size of objects in POST requests to api/v1/db

    • if the objects are too big or complex, the requests might take too long and cause a timeout

    • in this case, lower this value and continue restoring with --continue


This is a complete overview of the command line parameters (run fylr restore -h):

Usage: fylr restore

Restore API backup into FYLR

  -h, --help                       Show context-sensitive help.

      --manifest=STRING            Path to manifest.json.
      --base-config=STRING         Base config to upload to the target. Not supported with --continue.
                                   By default the base config from the backup is uploaded.
                                   Use "-" to not upload a base config.
      --datamodel=STRING           Datamodel to upload to the target.
                                   Not supported with --continue.
                                   By default the datamodel from the backup is uploaded.
                                   Use "-" to not upload a datamodel.
      --continue                   Set to true, to continue restoring payloads from progress.json.
                                   Set to true, to ignore file upload errors and strip objects from them.
                                   Max number of parallel original file + its versions uploads.
                                   Defaults to 4 (0 for bulk), max is 10 (unlimited for bulk).
      --timeout-min=10             Timeout for connections to target (minutes).
      --include-password           Include password in user restore.
      --skip-constraints           Skip constraints during restore.
      --file-api=STRING            API used to upload files. Leave empty to not upload files.
                                   "put": restore tool uploads files synchronous.
                                   "rput": target server loads files from remote URLs.
                                   "rput_leave": target server stores remote URLs, no data is copied to storage.
                                   "rput" and "rput_leave" are faster, "put" might take long.
                                   Use this to pass an access token to fylr backends. This is needed to load files from fylr source instances. It appends the "access_token" query parameter to the remote url of files, and removes the "x-fylr-signature" query parameter.
      --file-version=STRING        Set to version to use for upload. "original" might take long for "put". Use "preview" for test runs.
      --upload-versions            Set to true, to not produce local preview versions, but instead upload the source versions.
                                   The upload method is used for versions the same way as for the original.
                                   Rename versions before uploading. This affects uploaded rights as well as file versions.
                                   The versions need to be given in the notation "<cls>.<version>:<new version>", e.g. "image.preview:640px" would replace the
                                   "preview" version of image to "640px".
                                   If the "<new version>" is omitted, the version is removed.
  -v, --verbose                    Set to true, to show additional info.
  -n, --log-network                Set to true, to log all network traffic.
      --log=STRING                 Set output to logfile
      --purge                      For backup: set to true, to purge the target directory.
                                   For restore: set to true, to purge the target and copy the datamodel. The current password of the user used for the
                                   login will be set for the system root user. --limit=INT                  Limit records. Set to 0 for unlimited.
      --chunk=100                  chunk size for fetching/pushing data.
      --include-events=STRING      Comma separated list of event types. Use "-" to skip backup/restoring of events.
      --server=STRING              Source url (overwrites URL of source instance from config)
  -l, --login=STRING               If --server is set, use as login. Make sure to use the system root user to connect if used together with --purge.
  -p, --password=STRING            If --server is set, use as password
      --client-id=STRING           If --server is set, use as OAUTH2 client ID
      --client-secret=STRING       If --server is set, use as OAUTH2 client secret
      --client-token-url=STRING    If --server is set, use as OAUTH2 token url


Manifest file that has been created by the backup command.

  • this parameter is mandatory!

  • type: string


API Url of the target instance. The Url must include the API base endpoint, for fylr this is <target url>/api/v1.

  • this parameter is mandatory!

  • type: string


Username of the user in the target instance. It should be a user with root rights or sufficient read rights.

  • this parameter is mandatory!

  • type: string


Password of the user in the target instance.

  • this parameter is mandatory!

  • type: string


Defines the mode of the restoring (purge or continue).

If this is true, the complete restore starts from the beginning, and the target instance is purged.

The parameters --purge and --continue are mutually exclusive. Not both can be true.

  • type: bool

  • default: false


Defines the mode of the restoring (purge or continue).

If this is true, the restore continues from the last point in the progress.json file, if a previous restore run was interrupted.

The parameters --purge and --continue are mutually exclusive.

  • type: bool

  • default: false


Path to a specific base config file. Defaults to <instance folder>/base_config.json from the backup.

To not upload a base configuration to the target instance, specify --base-config=-

This parameter is not allowed in combination with --continue.

  • type: string

  • default: base_config.json


This parameter is available in fylr from version v6.12.0.

Path to a specific datamodel file. Defaults to <instance folder>/datamodel.json from the backup.

To not upload a datamodel to the target instance, specify --datamodel=-

This parameter is not allowed in combination with --continue.

Trying to upload a datamodel without --purge will not work, if there is already a datamodel on the target instance!

Only use --datamodel=- if the target instance already has a matching datamodel!

  • type: string

  • default: datamodel.json


Skip constraints during restore.

  • type: bool

  • default: false


Include user password hashes. If this option is true, the restore tool checks if there is at least one user where a password hash is present. This is done by checking the has_passwords flag in the manifest.json. If this value is false, the restore will stop with an error.

If the source is an easydb5: make sure that the source instance is configured to output the user passwords, and repeat the backup. See under include_passwords for the necessary settings in the source instance.

For a fylr source instance this is not necessary, since the password hashes are always returned over the API.

  • type: bool

  • default: false


This parameter is available in fylr from version v6.12.0.

Comma separated list of event types.

Use --include-events=- to skip restoring of events.

If this parameter is unset, all events are restored which have a type that is known in fylr. All other events from the backup are ignored.

  • type: string

  • default: ""


The upload batch size for objects to the target instance. Can be used to control the size of the requests. It can be lowered if the requests cause timeouts or network problems.

  • type: int

  • minimum: 1

  • maximum: 1000

  • default: 100


Set this to a number bigger than 0 to limit the number of objects of each objecttype. This can be used to test or debug to only restore a small sample of the source instance.

  • type: int

  • minimum: 0

  • default: 0


Method used to upload files. Leave empty to not upload files.

  • put: restore tool uploads files synchronous.

  • rput: target server loads files from remote URLs.

  • rput_leave: target server stores remote URLs, no data is copied to storage.

rput and rput_leave are faster, put might take long.

  • type: string


Use this to pass an access token to fylr backends. This is needed to load files from fylr source instances. It appends the access_token query parameter to the remote url of files, and removes the x-fylr-signature query parameter.

  • type: string


Specify which version of the source asset is used. Default is "original" which might take long for --file-api=put.

Use "preview" for test runs with smaller assets.

  • type: string

  • default: "original"


Set to true, to not produce local preview versions, but instead upload/link the source versions.

The upload method --file-api is used for versions the same way as for the original file.

  • If put or rput is used, the versions are copied from the source instance, but no versions are produced

  • If rput_leave is used, the versions are linked by URL, and no files are copied to the target instance and no versions are produced

  • type: bool

  • default: false


Rename versions before uploading. This affects uploaded rights as well as file versions.

The versions need to be given in the notation "<cls>.<version>:<new version>", e.g. "image.preview:640px" would replace the "preview" version of class image to 640px.

If the <new version> part is omitted, the version is removed.

  • type: string


Maximum number of parallel uploads of original files and their versions. Defaults to 4 (0 for bulk). The maximum is 10 (unlimited for bulk).

  • type: int

  • minimum: 0

  • maximum: 10

  • default: 4


Timeout for connections to target in minutes.

Increase this value if you notice timeouts or related network problems when uploading payloads or files to the target system.

  • type: int

  • minimum: 1

  • default: 10


Set to true to ignore file upload errors and strip objects from them.

  • type: bool

  • default: false


If the target instance uses OAuth2 for user authentication, this is the configured Client ID.

  • type: string


If the target instance uses OAuth2 for user authentication, this is the configured Client Secret. Can be kept empty if the instance is public.

  • type: string


If the target instance uses OAuth2 for user authentication, this is the OAuth2 callback endpoint of the instance.

For fylr this is <source url>/api/oauth2/token.

  • type: string


Set to true to log debugging info.

  • type: bool

  • default: false


Set to true to log the requests and responses.

  • type: bool

  • default: false


If this is a valid file path, the log output is written to this file. If this is empty (default), the log output is written to stdout instead.

  • type: string

Last updated